Saturday 19 May 2018

Business Cards - 2

As my practice has developed this year, I felt it was important to update my business cards so they reflect my practice.

Friday 18 May 2018


Prior to my trip to Barcelona next month, I contacted two studios which I thought may respond to my work to see if I can pop by for a portfolio review or a chat.

Monday 14 May 2018

Work Opportunities

Recently I’ve been trying to create job opportunities for myself. Using projects I’m already working on and turning them into potential projects I could propose to existing companies. I first approach a coffee shop about a mural I’d designed for their space. I also contacted the owner of a brewery that I’d done some rebranding for. 

Friday 11 May 2018

Presentation Workshop

Stretching out of my comfort zone will allow me to become better and present the best professional version of myself.

Head - What/How/Where
Heart - Values/Beliefs/Purpose - More personal, including ‘heart’ points will make my presentation more unique.

Bookend - Beginning and End
This will allow the audience to know when the ending is without having to say so. 

Power of 3
More memorable 
Have a clear beginning, middle and end

Presentation structure 
*** Development > Transformation Process > Future Benefits - With Bookends***

  • How many parts?
  • Identify the bones 

Choose when to speed up or slow down to emphasise a point

Record myself + listen back
Pauses give people the chance to process the info I’m delivering 
Avoid crutch words (so, okay, right, like, um, err)
Appropriate eye contact
Awareness of unconscious tics

Memory Technique 
Think of a well known route 
Identify 14 points on that route 
Associate a point to each stop on the route, as I mentally walk the route I’ll remember each point at each specific spot. 

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Scott Bakal

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you”

  1. Be Healthy 
  2. Engage with a community 
  3. Start a sketchbook and explore your creativity 
  4. Experiences are the heart of creativity
  5. Without a ‘goal’, you can’t ‘score’


Being an illustrator allows me to explore my humanity”

Thursday 26 April 2018

Hue Exhibition

A one night only exhibition, curated by two photography students at Leeds Arts University. I offered my work as a contribution through an Open Call on social media. The exhibition looks at images which include red, yellow and blue. 

For an exhibition done on a budget and in a short amount of time, it was curated really well. I think the amount of images included made good use of the space available, and the simplistic grouping of the images worked in it's favour. 

I'm pleased I was able to be part of this exhibition. It was really interesting to exhibit amongst such a variety of works, from sculpture, photography, fine art, and illustration, each of these discipline were brought together through colour. It was also satisfying to be able to exhibit somewhere so close to home.
Kafka on the Shore, After Dark, 1Q84
Image from a brief based around the works of Japanese author, Haruki Murakami.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Michael Driver

Be observant

Zine fairs 

Email illustrators that are already in the industry 

Working there?
How to get clients?
Who to work with?
What’s a good way to get into the industry?

A5 Mailouts - 2/3 times a year

Always make sure you’re doing stuff

The Graduates List

Don’t work for free

Be confident pricing

Compliment before asking for work “I really like the work of people you commission… I’m interested in getting into… would it be okay if I sent you a print…?”
Post catches peoples attention

Be hot on emails

Advertising is where the big bucks are

Look at getting an agent but don’t rush into it

If your work is good enough, someone will probably contact you before you contact them 

Saturday 21 April 2018

Contacting other professionals

First I approach the magazine on Instagram as there was no email address available. 

Through email, I then explained the concept of the exhibition and event it was in conjunction with. Although I didn't get a response, they now know about the exhibition and am aware of my work... maybe something could come of it in the future. 

Friday 20 April 2018

Artist Statement written for 'A Study of Imaginary Chasms'

Originally from Sunderland, Ella Ray Barnes is currently studying her final year as an Illustration student at Leeds Arts University. She primarily work sixth graphic narratives using a range of media and techniques towards developing a personal practice and the artistic dialogue relating to both storytelling and local historical and socio-political themes. Recently, Barnes’ practice has gravitated towards explorations of colour, shape and pattern layout - particularly within a publishing context. Barnes had been particularly influenced by Saul Bass and Freidrich Hundertwasser’s techniques which initially informed her undergraduate dissertation focusing on deuteranopia colour blindness. She currently enjoys exploring the opportunities offered by different processes as a means of developing or changing the direction of her creative practice. However, composition is the most vital aspect of her work in general. Barnes aims to create images with clarity and purity to provoke emotion and unlock something relatable to other, as a way of connecting herself with the viewer. 

A Study of Imaginary Chasms

I exhibited some pieces of work in an exhibition curated by Lungs Project in collaboration with Gosforth Civic Theatre.

(Description taken from exhibition booklet produced by Lungs Project)
“A cross-disciplinary group exhibition developed in collaboration with Gosforth Civic Theatre. “A Study of Imaginary Chasms” brings together the work of three female visual artists; Ella Ray Barnes, Fang Qi, and Jill Tate all of who are connected to the North East through unique pathways. The exhibition thematically responds to “The Class Project”, a one-woman play written and performed by Rebecca Atkinson-Lord.”

“The series of works featured in the exhibition correspond to the overlapping anecdotes within  “The Class Project”. Each artist’s body of work expands on the themes underpinning the play, presenting personal commentaries on identity, home and belonging as embedded within historical, socio-economical and contemporary narratives. The exhibition is conceived as a reflective study of the power dynamics which drive a wedge between individuals and communities within the U.K. It aims to examine the dominant narratives influencing our public and personal relations. In doing so; it wishes to reveal the cultural judgement systems which shape and maintain social stratification, dividing us into our economic class, regional identity, and status, creating “imaginary” chasms often seem impossible to overcome.”

The North-East Miners, 2016
‘The North-East Miners’ series respond to the historical narratives of the Thatcher era. As a young Sunderland-born woman, Barnes intended to resurrect the emotive qualities of her past experiences of local documentary photography which focused on post-industrial mining themes. The images in the series explore the efficacy of Miners’ Strike of 1984-85, and the socio-economic impact pit closures had on miners, their families and wider communities. The series focuses on the consequences of these events and is intended as a tribute to those who were affected. Within these images, Barnes pays particular attention to conveying a sense of honesty and ‘grit’ in presenting a style of speech which was true t the area. This style might resonate with those who had experienced the era’s ups and downs first-hand or indirectly as a part of the legacy of today’s East Durham social landscape. 

I feel really proud to have been involved in this exhibition, and feel it was a great platform for that series of work to be shown. On reflection of the exhibition, I'd like to revisit this project. It's a project I'm passionate about and really enjoyed working on originally, I still feel like there's so much more work I could make in relation to it. 

Thursday 19 April 2018

Contacting other professionals

I contacted a graphic designer based in the north east for some advice on a project I was about to start in another module. I've found that contacting people through Instagram can be a more direct route, rather than email, although I would always opt for email first if it's readily available. 

Monday 16 April 2018

PP Session

Where do you see yourself now as an illustrator?
My practice is currently driven more by personal projects

Do people know you are here?
I've established an online presence which has offered a platform to network

What methods are you using to tell them/How are you directing them to your work?
Social Media - Instagram/Website/The Dots

Are you getting any feedback?
I visited UK Greetings and had a portfolio review with two of the creative directors

You have had 3 years to develop your talent so far, what do you feel you have achieved?
I'm a lot more conscious of developing strong concepts within my work. My confidence in approaching briefs. The process in which I approach briefs is a lot more refined.

How do you see this, achievement, slog or useful?
An achievement, I'm proud that I've got to a stage where I feel confident in how I work and the work I'm producing.

What will your final PP presentation contain and why us it important?
Reflection on the 3 years at uni, and future ambitions going forward.

Why do you need to present yourself?
To sell myself! If I don't have to confidence in myself or to present myself to clients, how can I expect them to have confidence in me and hire me?

Can you see this presentation having any other uses?
I hope that it builds my confidence in talking about myself and work. If I plan carefully and make sure I'm totally prepared I think it could make a big difference to how I feel doing presentations in the future.

Thursday 12 April 2018


So far, my website is very basic. However I've managed to include all of the aspects I wanted in making my website. The front home page also switches between three images. On reflection, I'm going to change the 'Home' images to images of my process and of me working, this could also be done through a video. The tiles show the whole image and then more info if the viewer clicks for this. I find this is an easy way for people to scroll through and hopefully find something they like, without having to flick back and forward through different pages.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Hepworth Wakefield Print Fair

It was so inspiring to visit the print fair at Hepworth Wakefield. There were so many diverse stalls and artworks, it makes me feel like I'd like to do something similar in the future. 

Monday 19 March 2018

Easter Action Plan

What will I achieve in these three weeks?

  • 603 - Pattern - Development 
  • 603 - Beer Branding - Development 

02.04-08.04 (Isle of Skye) 
  • Website 
  • Draw - observational which could influence my 603 pattern project 


  • Mural brief started and completed
  • Secret 7”
  • 602 - BLOG - List of who I’d like to invite to Hanbury + D&AD 

Tuesday 13 March 2018

CV Building Workshop

Writing your CV
Showcasing your attainments

  • Little used in the graduate application process these days - but very useful for speculative applications
  • An aide-memoire that will help you complete application forms quickly
  • Useful support for your linked in profile
  • Persuasive sales document selling you (the product) to an employer (the buyer)
  • You have editorial control - unlike with an application form
  • Particularly relevant for students seeking work experience in areas related to their degrees 
  • Niche graduate careers demand a high level of pro-activity and determination - many opportunities unadvertised

An effective CV is one that which presents your information to the best advantage 
Target - research employers 

Types of CV
Skills Based - Personal details, referees, outline interests and achievements, expansions of skills, optional personal statement, brief outline of education, brief outline of work.
Artists CV - Contact details, website/blog, Education, solo+group exhibitions, awards, live briefs/competitions, residencies, commissions, publications.
Creative CV - In order to stand out, the message you want to get across needs to be conveyed by both words and visual integrity. Attention to detail and originality is key. 

Referees - 1. Tutor who knows my work 2. Someone who can speak well of me

Employers want:
  1. Effective communication
  2. Teamwork
  3. Marketing ability/self promotion
  4. Problem solving ability
  5. Analytical skills
  6. Flexibility
  7. Self Management skills
  8. Decision making and judgmental ability
  9. Numeracy
  10. Logical argument - to persuade
  11. Enquiry and research skills
  12. IT Skills
  13. Relate to wider content
  14. Specialist subject knowledge

Creative Skillset

Examples of Creative CVs

Saturday 10 March 2018

Keep it current!

I realise the importance in keeping current and updated on social media. For international women's day, although I didn't have time to make any new work, I posted an image of a print for sale offering a discount using IWO2018. Although I wasn't really trying to sell any, because it was relevant on the day I ended up getting some exposure for it. I think it's really important to try and plan to either make work or do a post if it's related to a certain event/day. 

Wednesday 7 March 2018

T-shirts and Packaging

After making t-shirts, for the packaging I wanted to create a strong sense of a brand. I think some of this is in how an item is delivered. For each of my orders I plan to wrap the product in yellow tissue paper, a business card, I'll also write a small thank you on the back of a postcard (which could double up as a print). This will show the customer that I appreciate their support and have taken the time to personally thank them, this will encourage the buyer to hopefully come back again and continue with their support. I chose yellow tissue paper because it complimented the product, but it also matched my business cards as it's a colour I use in my work a lot anyway. Hopefully this will convey the impression of a professional cohesive 'brand'.

Monday 26 February 2018


My Etsy has been fairly successful this year, although I haven’t been bothered about pushing it very much until I develop some new products/prints to sell. Though this I’ve been able to sell my work internationally with orders going to Texas, New York and Brazil. 

Tuesday 6 February 2018

The Dots

I joined The Dots soon after the Hanbury Hall symposium. Although I still have it, it’s a lot easier to use than LinkedIn, and I feel like I can really show off my work on this platform. It’s been a good tool to find companies I admire and would like to work for. As well as giving me an insight into what jobs are out there. Soon after joining The Dots, I was featured on one of their main pages, which boosted the exposure on my project significantly, with this it also helped me to find other creatives work I liked and could potentially collaborate with in the future. 

Friday 26 January 2018

‘You Are Hereʼ - Hanbury Hall

Big Active
“An award winning creative consultancy. Their areas of specialisation include art direction, graphic design, content production and the representation of leading image makers.”

Blink Art
Creative Agency Collaboration
What do you look for or drawn to in an individual?

  • Trend
  • Individual style/Unique
  • Deeper level to work - funny/clever/etc.
  • Ideas people!
  • Storytelling
  • Something different to what they already have - they donʼt want their artists to feel like theyʼre ‘competingʼ.
  • ‘Voiceʼ - (doesnʼt need to be nailed by the end of uni)
  • Personality coming through in work
  • An awareness of the media - media look at what young people are into and utilise that.

What should we expect of an agent? What do agents expect of us?

  • Trustworthy
  • Motivated
  • Business head
  • Best level of professionalism
  • Drive
  • Awareness of the industry
  • Credentials - Background research, make sure they know what theyʼre doing/talking about.

How do agents pair creatives, and how do they maintain a healthy work environment?

  • Continue to invent and develop
  • Pairing people they know will get on

Process of a project
". Contacted by a client (either agent or artist)
$. MNDA will be sent - This shouldnʼt say anything about rights

  1. Identify brief - Conversation with agent - come up with an estimate price
  2. Breakdown of costs sent to client. Includes - ‘usageʼ - still your image but youʼre licensing it too them.
  3. Agreement
  4. Agent looks after artist
  5. Payment

  • No work before purchase order
  • Charge for changes (“this cost includes two rounds of amendments”)

Extra info

  • Be sure to ask a client “am I the only person up for this job?” (3-5 people is okay, not 20) and “what is it about my work that you like”.
  • On selecting which briefs to work on, you should consider is a) it pays well,
b) will it be good exposure, c) consider the creativity. The briefs I choose should be at least two of these things.
  • GIFS work well on social media.
  • Keep in touch with people
  • Internships are good!

The Dots - Leanne
A platform for ‘no-collarʼ professionals to network and share their work. Create profile - min. 3 projects to be featured

  • Tips and insights
  • Masterclasses
  • Donʼt burn yourself out

Portfolio Tips

  • Quality not quantity
  • Variety of work
  • Conceptual
  • Passion - speaking about work
  • Personality
  • Originality
  • Showcase work on different platforms
  • Apply for projects for people I believe in and brands I like

Anthropology - Nicole
Quintessential Not fast fashion
New talent is essential

Ricky Richards - Advertising
Kony Campaign


  • Look for source material where other people arenʼt looking
  • Outrageous draws attention
  • Stand out so people (agents) come to me

BA Reps - Mathew Chera (agent)

Finding new talent

  • Submission - tailored to what the agency does
  • Understand the agency
  • More than one ‘strand of workʼ

Balance between personal and commercial work
Donʼt bother taking on anything Iʼm not passionate about - portfolio

Including more work I enjoy in my portfolio will bring in more work I enjoy.

Itʼs Nice That & Nobrow - Publishing

“We publish books we think will be successful, not purposely commercial”

  • Personality
  • Communicative
  • Individual identity
  • Confidence


Getting work out/engage with audience

  • Social media - online portfolio
  • Lead with best work - website
  • Informal emails for help - work goes first


  • Inde publishing
  • Keeps you striving for most current
  • Illustrated none fiction


  • Competitive
  • Donʼt worry about writing - I am an image maker not a writer

  • Unique interpretations
  • Lead with an image in an email
  • Persistance
  • Interning
  • Research publisher

Monday 22 January 2018

Business Cards

I made my business cards in preparation for the Hanbury Hall symposium. I think they are a pretty accurate representation of where my work is at the moment. 

I chose to change the colour of the iris of the eye to three different colours, this was so I could have colour on the back of the card... I thought it looked a but unfinished before doing this.