Friday 26 January 2018

‘You Are Hereʼ - Hanbury Hall

Big Active
“An award winning creative consultancy. Their areas of specialisation include art direction, graphic design, content production and the representation of leading image makers.”

Blink Art
Creative Agency Collaboration
What do you look for or drawn to in an individual?

  • Trend
  • Individual style/Unique
  • Deeper level to work - funny/clever/etc.
  • Ideas people!
  • Storytelling
  • Something different to what they already have - they donʼt want their artists to feel like theyʼre ‘competingʼ.
  • ‘Voiceʼ - (doesnʼt need to be nailed by the end of uni)
  • Personality coming through in work
  • An awareness of the media - media look at what young people are into and utilise that.

What should we expect of an agent? What do agents expect of us?

  • Trustworthy
  • Motivated
  • Business head
  • Best level of professionalism
  • Drive
  • Awareness of the industry
  • Credentials - Background research, make sure they know what theyʼre doing/talking about.

How do agents pair creatives, and how do they maintain a healthy work environment?

  • Continue to invent and develop
  • Pairing people they know will get on

Process of a project
". Contacted by a client (either agent or artist)
$. MNDA will be sent - This shouldnʼt say anything about rights

  1. Identify brief - Conversation with agent - come up with an estimate price
  2. Breakdown of costs sent to client. Includes - ‘usageʼ - still your image but youʼre licensing it too them.
  3. Agreement
  4. Agent looks after artist
  5. Payment

  • No work before purchase order
  • Charge for changes (“this cost includes two rounds of amendments”)

Extra info

  • Be sure to ask a client “am I the only person up for this job?” (3-5 people is okay, not 20) and “what is it about my work that you like”.
  • On selecting which briefs to work on, you should consider is a) it pays well,
b) will it be good exposure, c) consider the creativity. The briefs I choose should be at least two of these things.
  • GIFS work well on social media.
  • Keep in touch with people
  • Internships are good!

The Dots - Leanne
A platform for ‘no-collarʼ professionals to network and share their work. Create profile - min. 3 projects to be featured

  • Tips and insights
  • Masterclasses
  • Donʼt burn yourself out

Portfolio Tips

  • Quality not quantity
  • Variety of work
  • Conceptual
  • Passion - speaking about work
  • Personality
  • Originality
  • Showcase work on different platforms
  • Apply for projects for people I believe in and brands I like

Anthropology - Nicole
Quintessential Not fast fashion
New talent is essential

Ricky Richards - Advertising
Kony Campaign


  • Look for source material where other people arenʼt looking
  • Outrageous draws attention
  • Stand out so people (agents) come to me

BA Reps - Mathew Chera (agent)

Finding new talent

  • Submission - tailored to what the agency does
  • Understand the agency
  • More than one ‘strand of workʼ

Balance between personal and commercial work
Donʼt bother taking on anything Iʼm not passionate about - portfolio

Including more work I enjoy in my portfolio will bring in more work I enjoy.

Itʼs Nice That & Nobrow - Publishing

“We publish books we think will be successful, not purposely commercial”

  • Personality
  • Communicative
  • Individual identity
  • Confidence


Getting work out/engage with audience

  • Social media - online portfolio
  • Lead with best work - website
  • Informal emails for help - work goes first


  • Inde publishing
  • Keeps you striving for most current
  • Illustrated none fiction


  • Competitive
  • Donʼt worry about writing - I am an image maker not a writer

  • Unique interpretations
  • Lead with an image in an email
  • Persistance
  • Interning
  • Research publisher

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