Monday 16 April 2018

PP Session

Where do you see yourself now as an illustrator?
My practice is currently driven more by personal projects

Do people know you are here?
I've established an online presence which has offered a platform to network

What methods are you using to tell them/How are you directing them to your work?
Social Media - Instagram/Website/The Dots

Are you getting any feedback?
I visited UK Greetings and had a portfolio review with two of the creative directors

You have had 3 years to develop your talent so far, what do you feel you have achieved?
I'm a lot more conscious of developing strong concepts within my work. My confidence in approaching briefs. The process in which I approach briefs is a lot more refined.

How do you see this, achievement, slog or useful?
An achievement, I'm proud that I've got to a stage where I feel confident in how I work and the work I'm producing.

What will your final PP presentation contain and why us it important?
Reflection on the 3 years at uni, and future ambitions going forward.

Why do you need to present yourself?
To sell myself! If I don't have to confidence in myself or to present myself to clients, how can I expect them to have confidence in me and hire me?

Can you see this presentation having any other uses?
I hope that it builds my confidence in talking about myself and work. If I plan carefully and make sure I'm totally prepared I think it could make a big difference to how I feel doing presentations in the future.

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