Saturday 24 March 2018

Hepworth Wakefield Print Fair

It was so inspiring to visit the print fair at Hepworth Wakefield. There were so many diverse stalls and artworks, it makes me feel like I'd like to do something similar in the future. 

Monday 19 March 2018

Easter Action Plan

What will I achieve in these three weeks?

  • 603 - Pattern - Development 
  • 603 - Beer Branding - Development 

02.04-08.04 (Isle of Skye) 
  • Website 
  • Draw - observational which could influence my 603 pattern project 


  • Mural brief started and completed
  • Secret 7”
  • 602 - BLOG - List of who I’d like to invite to Hanbury + D&AD 

Tuesday 13 March 2018

CV Building Workshop

Writing your CV
Showcasing your attainments

  • Little used in the graduate application process these days - but very useful for speculative applications
  • An aide-memoire that will help you complete application forms quickly
  • Useful support for your linked in profile
  • Persuasive sales document selling you (the product) to an employer (the buyer)
  • You have editorial control - unlike with an application form
  • Particularly relevant for students seeking work experience in areas related to their degrees 
  • Niche graduate careers demand a high level of pro-activity and determination - many opportunities unadvertised

An effective CV is one that which presents your information to the best advantage 
Target - research employers 

Types of CV
Skills Based - Personal details, referees, outline interests and achievements, expansions of skills, optional personal statement, brief outline of education, brief outline of work.
Artists CV - Contact details, website/blog, Education, solo+group exhibitions, awards, live briefs/competitions, residencies, commissions, publications.
Creative CV - In order to stand out, the message you want to get across needs to be conveyed by both words and visual integrity. Attention to detail and originality is key. 

Referees - 1. Tutor who knows my work 2. Someone who can speak well of me

Employers want:
  1. Effective communication
  2. Teamwork
  3. Marketing ability/self promotion
  4. Problem solving ability
  5. Analytical skills
  6. Flexibility
  7. Self Management skills
  8. Decision making and judgmental ability
  9. Numeracy
  10. Logical argument - to persuade
  11. Enquiry and research skills
  12. IT Skills
  13. Relate to wider content
  14. Specialist subject knowledge

Creative Skillset

Examples of Creative CVs

Saturday 10 March 2018

Keep it current!

I realise the importance in keeping current and updated on social media. For international women's day, although I didn't have time to make any new work, I posted an image of a print for sale offering a discount using IWO2018. Although I wasn't really trying to sell any, because it was relevant on the day I ended up getting some exposure for it. I think it's really important to try and plan to either make work or do a post if it's related to a certain event/day. 

Wednesday 7 March 2018

T-shirts and Packaging

After making t-shirts, for the packaging I wanted to create a strong sense of a brand. I think some of this is in how an item is delivered. For each of my orders I plan to wrap the product in yellow tissue paper, a business card, I'll also write a small thank you on the back of a postcard (which could double up as a print). This will show the customer that I appreciate their support and have taken the time to personally thank them, this will encourage the buyer to hopefully come back again and continue with their support. I chose yellow tissue paper because it complimented the product, but it also matched my business cards as it's a colour I use in my work a lot anyway. Hopefully this will convey the impression of a professional cohesive 'brand'.