Wednesday 1 March 2017


Leeds College of Art
Introduction to Presentation Skills
1st March 2017 /// Rick Ferguson

  • Behaviour
  • Structure
  • Content

Why do I want to become better at this?
  • Development of communication skills - A better understanding of me and other people, which could develop different partnerships and collaborations
  • Better job opportunities 
  • Gain confidence in myself and have more confidence presenting my work and ideas

Albert Mehribian’s communication model on the relative importance of the different ways in which we communicate 
  • The way we say the words - 38%
  • Non-verbal behaviour (Body Language) - 55%
  • The words we use - 7%
(%) Relative impact of how we communicate 

Speed - can vary, choose when you want to speed up slightly, and slow down slightly 
Volume - can also vary, but the main consideration is that you can be heard! 
Pitch - decide where to vary the pitch, to pose a question or to emphasise words
Avoid crutch words - (so, okay, right then, moving on, um, err..)
Appropriate eye contact (could split the room into quarters, and randomly make eye contact within the quarters)
Awareness of unconscious ‘tic’s’/movements. Be aware of gestures

Bookending (Mentioning something at the start of your presentation and returning to out at the end.)
Power of Three (We only tend to be able to remember 3 main things - any more than this and our brain had difficulty coping) - Intro (including one bookend)/ First Section/ Second Section/ Third Section/ Conclusion (including bookend 2)

How to decide what kind of content I might include? (And what content I might want to avoid)
  • Head (where?/ what?/ how?)
  • Heart (why?/ who?/ who else?)
6 Logical Levels 
(Head) > Environment 
> Behaviour
> Capabilities and Skills
> Beliefs and Values
> Identity
(Heart) > Mission/Vision 

Prepare and practice a short (1.5 - 2.5 minutes long) presentation about you
  • How you will behave when delivery it
  • How you will structure it
  • How you will decide what content to include

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