Friday 13 January 2017

Reflection Task


- Enthusiasm 
- Ability to foresee the end product of a project and carry it out in a professional manner.
- Self reflection

- Organisation
- Time Management 
- Confidence

- After Effects - Having knowledge of animation and being able to use after effects may lead to more/bigger opportunities with clients after uni.
- Collaboration with other students across different courses

- Other practitioners - competitive industry. However it's not always a bad thing, could help with more motivation with my own work and also create opportunities of collaboration.  
- Clients - Copyrighting and payment.


Political - Economic - Social - Technological

P - How government regulations may effect my business/ trade regulations/ copyright

E - Economic growth/ Exchange rate/ Inflation and interest rates

S - Consumer needs/ Attitudes towards work/ Lifestyle choices - Ethical - Choice of supporting independent businesses 

T - Technological advances/ Generational shifts

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