Monday 23 January 2017

Creative Presence

Oliver Jeffers

I'd like to contact Oliver Jeffers as I'm a fan of his work. He uses mixed media throughout his picture books giving them a very traditional aesthetic whilst still being modern. Contacting him would hopefully give me a better insight into children's illustration, which will also benefit me when I come to write my COP2 essay. It would be interesting to find out how he develops his characters and composition of books, because I think this is a large contributing factor to his stories running as seamlessly as they do.  


Within my 503 Responsive module one of my chosen briefs was form Penguin Random House. It'd be valuable to gain a better understanding of the company, as well as their selection process. I'd like to find out what they look for in their designers and individuals they collaborate with. As well as finding out how they've produced such an iconic portfolio of books they've published. 

Elizabeth Haidle

What made me particularly interested in Elizabeth Haidles' work was her application of media. The vibrancy of colours she uses is striking. The colour combinations she uses sometimes clash, but they still contribute to a coherent image. Looking at her work has inspired me to experiment more with paint, especially watercolour. 

Friday 13 January 2017

Reflection Task


- Enthusiasm 
- Ability to foresee the end product of a project and carry it out in a professional manner.
- Self reflection

- Organisation
- Time Management 
- Confidence

- After Effects - Having knowledge of animation and being able to use after effects may lead to more/bigger opportunities with clients after uni.
- Collaboration with other students across different courses

- Other practitioners - competitive industry. However it's not always a bad thing, could help with more motivation with my own work and also create opportunities of collaboration.  
- Clients - Copyrighting and payment.


Political - Economic - Social - Technological

P - How government regulations may effect my business/ trade regulations/ copyright

E - Economic growth/ Exchange rate/ Inflation and interest rates

S - Consumer needs/ Attitudes towards work/ Lifestyle choices - Ethical - Choice of supporting independent businesses 

T - Technological advances/ Generational shifts