Friday 4 November 2016

Louise Lockhart

Today Louise Lockhart came into the studio to give us a lecture about her practice as an illustrator. It was really interesting hearing about her work process and how she approaches a project or brief. She made it sound really simple! Hearing about 'The Printed Peanut' and how she started her shop was so inspiring, the way she spoke about it was really candid and made me feel like it was something I'd be able to do (maybe in the future though). It was also good to see how she'd applied illustration to a range of different sources and products... some of which I'd not even thought about before.   

She showed us some examples of her work and I found I really appreciated the simplicity of it. A lot of her images and products do look quite complex, but it was nice to find out that with most pieces of work, she starts by using paper cut. It seems like a really simple but quite a logical way to work out compositions and finding out how the final image will work as a whole. 

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