Monday 7 March 2016

A3 Posters - Personality/Professionalism/Aspirations

Here are the roughs I made for this task... I wanted to try and keep my ideas simple, but without having just a plain list.

I liked the idea of trying to have repetition in my images as well, to try and add some structure to them.

Final Posters...
I made my final posters using gouache and acrylic, I just thought that it helped me to achieve a nicer quality to them... rather than using the markers I used whilst making the roughs.


What am I happy with...?
  • I'm happy with the basic colour pallet I chose, I think the variation of orange works well as it's just a subtle change.
  • I'm pleased that I've managed to keep the repetition going throughout the three posters, I think it makes them work well as a set, and I think they look quite uniform.
  • I think my idea is quite strong, I wanted them to almost look like patterns, and I think the way I've done them lends itself well to this idea. At first I think it's maybe a little unclear as to what they're about, but are easy to understand once realised they're just in grids.
What did I find difficult...?
  • I found actually coming up with an idea for them was difficult.
  • I didn't really know what I should include on the personality and aspirations posters. I found it difficult to analyse myself for it the personality one. And then decided to go with graduating for my aspirations, because really that is my short term aspiration at the moment.
What would I do differently...?
  • If I'd been able to, I'd probably have used a different two colours on each poster just so they looked a bit more different to each other.
  • I think a dark blue/navy stock colour might've looked quite nice against the oranges.

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