Sunday 27 September 2015


Oliver Jeffers - 'Up and Down'
The purpose of this image is to tell a story.
The use of media in this picture is interesting because, it looks to be fairly precise and controlled however this doesn't make it hyper realistic, which I think gives it a childlike quality. The sparse use of media has a big impact on the image as a whole. It creates a sense of depth, even though there has been a lot of space left blank. The negative space makes it such a strong composition, in my opinion. It's also evident that the illustrator has used the same colour pallet throughout this image.  Whilst the orange and yellow tones are fairly muted, which may be unusual for a children's book, the colour pallet still creates a sense of warmth and wholesomeness. I think this also creates a feeling of nostalgia, which would make Jeffers' work enjoyable of older viewers, as well as his target audience.
It has been done well because, as a viewer I was able to identify what the story was about just from knowing the title and looking at one frame from the book.

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