Thursday 20 April 2017

Ella_Barnes_502_SB3_Life's A Pitch

Presenting with a group was a lot less daunting than if I had to do it on my own! It was nice being able to bounce off what each other was saying, and felt supported by everyone in our collective.

Our collective celebrates 'girl power' and iconic successful women through creativity.

It was particularly interesting forming a collective with people across four different courses, we have illustrators, photographs, graphic designers and a fine artist, it w`s nice being able to see how we all approach similar topics within each of our disciplines.
                                                          Life's a Pitch - Presentation

Within our pitch, we proposed a quarterly zine, which would allow us the chance to showcase our recents works. It also gives us something to work towards throughout the year, even if not a lot is happening in terms of our practices.

I find I'm now able to ask more people for advice and criticism within my work, and will have a broader range of responses from completely different artists.

After our proposed zine and Instagram account in our presentation, we made the Instagram account. It sticks to a colour theme as you can see whilst scrolling through each of the panels. This makes it feel like we are a collective, because our work exists right along side each other, the colour schemes are a major contributor to this.

Friday 14 April 2017


After already trying printing on fabric with my tote bags, I next wanted to apply one of my images to t-shirts.

This wasn't as simple as the tote bags. I wanted to try and print onto black t-shirts because this would benefit my print. However I didn't take into account how the pigments might show up on such a dark material. I was really disheartened by how they'd turned out at first. But as the white pigment was showing up better than the yellow, I realised I could print them onto of one another. The yellow was really vibrant with the white underneath. I just wish I'd thought about this before I'd exposed my screen, as I would have been able to do less layers of ink than I did in the end.