Friday 30 September 2016


After the Lungs Project exhibition, it gave me the push to set up an Etsy shop. First it was difficult having the courage to make it live, I kept it unopened for a while, and didn't even promote it straight away. 

Having opened it though, I've realised I can see what products on my shop people view the most and what they're most interested it. Which gives me a better insight and understanding of the market.

Friday 16 September 2016

Lungs Project

"Lungs Project is Angela Wingate Burdon, Marta Rubinato, Rebecca Burdon and Sheyda Porter. Currently based in Newcastle upon Tyne and Sunderland, the Lungs team uses collaboration and exchange to support emerging and underexposed artists and art scenes.
In September, LUNGS 2016 launched as an annual print magazine cataloguing the work of artists in the North East of England. Open to a range of creatives and mediums, Lungs aims to facilitate artistic development and provide both a national and international platform to exhibit."

The launch of 'Lungs' was celebrated with an event at Independent, Sunderland. Which included an exhibition featuring 15 of the 30 artists whose work appeared in the publication. 


I was lucky enough to be one of the fifteen chosen artists to exhibit work at the launch event. I included three pieces from my Level 4 body of work. Each were an abstract interpretation of windows in three different cities. When producing these images, I was very conscious of the colour pallet, making sure they'd all look like part of a set. This paid off when it came to hanging them in the exhibition, as well as looking cohesive, it gave a clear indication of which work was mine. 

This was such a valuable experience! Seeing my work not only exhibited, but also included in a publication along side 29 other artists from the North East, blew me away a little bit. It gave me a great sense of achievement and built my confidence dramatically. Making me realise I can put my work out into the world, and someone will enjoy it. Being at the exhibition also made me realise I could sell some of my work, I had few enquires about my prints on the night of the event, this made me think about setting up an online shop.