Monday 9 November 2015

Studio Brief 1: Study Task 3 - Illustration

joan cornella selfie - Google Search:
  • Cool
  • I love that this satirises the use of a 'selfie stick' in modern day society, because it is totally RIDICULOUS.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Studio Brief 1: Study Task 3 - Drawing

Gallery - Artworks by Architects to be Auctioned for Maggie's Centres - 4:
  • I think this image is especially successful because it is in monochrome. It makes you focus solely on the quality of line within the image.
  • I like that there's also lots of different sections to the image that draw you to different parts of it.

Friday 6 November 2015

Studio Brief 1: Study Task 3 - Product

  • This packaging I found really nice.
  • I like the slight variations in pattern but can still see they're from the same designer
  • I love the vivid brushstrokes used for the blue box, I think it gives it a really lovely aesthetic.
Cloudsoap // Jamie P Smail, illustrator Katy Smail:

Thursday 5 November 2015

Studio Brief 1: Study Task 3 - Process

  • These screen-printed greetings cards are super lovely!
  • It's clear that these have been printed, because they have a definite handmade quality to them.
  • The colours, I think could be seen as a little garish, but together they work really nicely.
Alice Pattullo, dog, cat, art, design, illustration, print, screen printing, colour, pattern, texture, drawing:

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Studio Brief 1: Study Task 3 - Purpose

Illustrations dans vitrine/ store window art:

  • Clearly the purpose of this piece of illustration is to show of the shop. I like that it's used for the façade of the building rather than inside.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Studio Brief 1: Study Task 3 - Context

  • I found the detail in this series of houses really interesting, straight away.
  • The composition of each is also quite thought provoking, it really makes me think about where these houses would sit in society... What does the rest of the street or the area around it look like?
  • There are a lot of different colours in these images, but still they look like a set because they're all fairly muted tones.

Monday 2 November 2015

Studio Brief 1: Study Task 3 - Content

First Snow Screen Print by Perfect Laughte Aaah negative space again. Loving this only two colour print but looks like more:

  • Really nice print
  • I think the use of negative space is really effective in this image, it gives it a sense of scale because the person in it is so small... almost insignificant in the vast landscape around them.
  • Makes me wonder who the person is and where they are.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Studio Brief 1: Study Task 3 - Aesthetic

  • Images found on Pinterest
  • I really love the contrast between the mustard and the intense black... With this, also in comparison to the crisp white background and the fine pencil lines. Lovelyyy. 

  • I was drawn to this image because of, what seems to be a really sensitive use of media. I looks really calm and gentle. I think the colours in particular add to this aesthetic.