Wednesday 21 October 2015

Studio Brief 1 - Study Task 2

What do I want to know...?

10 questions I want to find the answer to as part of my degree... 
  • How do I develop my own visual signature?
  • What will make my work different to others'?
  • How do I get my work noticed?
  • Will I want to do a Masters afterwards?
  • When should I look for placements to gain experience?
  • How much will I improve in three years?
  • What will my working process be?
  • What type of illustration will I end up enjoying the most?
  • How do I make a name for myself and reach cliental?
  • How easy will it be to find a job after finishing my degree?

Sunday 11 October 2015

Studio Brief 1 - Study Task 1

Who am I? Why am I here?
Why I chose to study illustration...
- It's something I'm interested in
- I want to develop my own skills as an illustrator
- I want to learn more about the subject
- I want to be a professional illustrator
- I LOVE drawing  
Why I chose this programme...
- The course sounded amazing
- I liked the idea of studying at a specialist institute
- The lecturers are industry professionals
- I liked Leeds as a city
- I wanted to meet more likeminded people at LCA
I think my strengths are...
- I respond positively to criticism
- I am diligent and conscientious
- I'm inventive and open to new ideas
- I am hard working and a bit of a perfectionist
- I find I'm confident in various artistic media

5 things that demonstrate my interest in illustration...

'18 and still buying children's books'
'Green Scarf Girl' by Ella Barnes
This image is by Ira Sluyterman van Langeweyde, an illustrator and character designer from Munich. I follow the progress of her work via her Instagram account, 'iraville'. 
This image is from my favourite graphic novel 'Blankets' by Craig Thompson. I read this brick of a book within two days, I just couldn't put it down!
Oliver Jeffers is my favourite illustrator. I love his use of mixed media, and the fact even as a young adult his stories still make me giggle.

Thursday 1 October 2015

'Made You Look' @ Hyde Park Picture House

I really enjoyed this film, giving that it's the beginning of the year as well I think this has gave me an insight into illustration as a career. It was super interesting hearing all of the different practitioners' perspectives, and seeing how they work.
I'd also never been to Hyde Park Picture House before, I now LOVE it. So lovely.